Why do people more mourn for actors’ death than a soldier?

* Reading Time: 2 minutes

An actor dies, and it is obvious that people begin to send their condolences to the saddened family. A group of people begin to share hate posts for those, people sad about the demise of an actor. According to them, “Everybody should cry at the soldier’s death and not the actor’s death.”

I’ve tried to sum up all the responses to those questions about “why do people worry more about the death of celebrities than a soldier?”

Let’s discuss some important points about how the lives of soldiers and actors are totally different-

  1. Actors spend a lot of time on social media, but because of the tough schedule and job soldiers don’t get the time to be active on social media and post stories about their personal lives.
  2. Soldiers are doing 100 % real action and advertisement is nil or very low, but actors are doing fake action and too much advertisement.
  3. Soldiers can not post anything on social media because of security concerns for our country and our soldiers.
  4. Whenever any film is made based on the life of some real hero, such as sports men or soldiers, there is more praise given to the actor who acted well, rather than to the individual. For example, in comparison with Marry Kom Priyanka Chopra received more money and fame.
  5. To earn more TRPs movie makers portrays actors’ struggle more real and emotional.
  6. Shows that portray a soldier’s tough situation are very fewer or zero.
  7. All that is posted on social media is influenced to make more money.
  8. Most of us agree that doing service in the army is only a way to earn so why risk your life for a career.

Friends, to be on the death bed all the time is always difficult. A soldier ‘s background will interact readily with the situations 
they are grappling with.

What can be done to strengthen civilian relations with our soldiers?

  1. Encourage your children to join defence.
  2. During my college days I willingly joined NCC(National Cadet Corps). It made me make my life more balanced and comfortable. This experience has made me know several percent of actual suffering soldiers are experiencing to their work.
  3. Further videos and documentaries on soldiers’ lives should be made and released equivalent to any commercial film.
  4. People should be more interested in watching these videos too.
  5. During studies, there must be some rule regarding the compulsion of scouts and NCC training for everyone.

These were a few facts that should reach out to everybody. If you think about this aside, let me know in the comment box.
Logically, think before you share anything on social media.

10 Most popular ways to serve your nation if not in army

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